Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome to Cyberspace!

     Welcome to cyberspace! That was for me, really. You've probably been here a while. I mean, when I was an Internet infant, I didn't even know what blogs were. So obviously if you're smart enough to be reading this, you've been around the virtual block.
     So hey. This is my new blog. It's actually a "company" blog, if you count two teenagers making movies as a company. If you do, then we're MC Productions. If you don't, I don't blame you. You may be asking what kinds of movies these two teenage girls make. If you are, the answer is: GOOD ONES! I hope. We will try to impress you with our musicals about zombies. It'll work. Just sayin'.
     Yeah, I know. All that you got out of that was blah blah blah movies blah blah blah zombies blah blah... zombies?!?!? "Did that say zombies??" Well, yes. Duh. You really ought not to doubt your eyesight or reading skills that much. Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. As in the un-dead. Believe it or not, they make really good subject matter for musicals. especially the occasional friendly zombie.
      So yes. We're writing a musical about friendly zombies.
1) It's called The Friendly Zombie. Original, huh?
2) It's not done. Stop freaking out, you'll have to wait to see it.
3) It's all about defying the stereotype, overcoming trials, and other mushy things.
4) It's FUNNY!
5) Check it out at Facebook: FiZz the Friendly Zombie.!/fizz.musical
I feel like this is already too long of a post. So adieu, alvida, adios, and so long. Blog to ya lata, my home skillet biscuit!